
Resilient Bridgeport

Winner of the 2020 Excellence in Urban Design and Planning Award from the Connecticut Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Proejct Planning Award from the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association.

Jordan River Peace Park

Late in 2007, the Yale Urban Design Workshop (YUDW), a community design center affiliated with the Yale School of Architecture, was invited by Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) to conduct an international design charrette to develop a master plan for a proposed 1200-acre Peace Park, on a historic site at the confluence of the Yarmouk and Jordan Rivers, just south of the Sea of Galilee.  The site straddles the border between Jordan and Israel, and is partly occupied by the ruins of the former Palestine Electric Company, an early example of regional cooperation, and well a collection o

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Alan Plattus & Andrei Harwell, Yale University, beskriver sin och Marta Caldeiras rapport från forskningsprojektet Fusion Point.
Alan Plattus & Andrei Harwell, Yale University, beskriver sin och Marta Caldeiras rapport från forskningsprojektet Fusion Point.
"Hur ska vi förstå Göteborgs byggda form" var temat för ett seminarium arrangerat av Fusion Point Gothenburg den 22 januari 2019
"Hur ska vi förstå Göteborgs byggda form" var temat för ett seminarium arrangerat av Fusion Point Gothenburg den 22 januari 2019
TEDx: Alan Plattus on Resilience
Bridging Waters Documentary