As part of its ongoing planning and design work with the Boys and Girls Club of New Haven, the Yale Urban Design Workshop recently helped the Club with a new design for the...
On Wednesday, Yale UDW Director Alan Plattus presented to an assembled group of experts, leaders and stakeholders via video at the Beijing Central Business District ...
A team of architects from the Yale School of Architecture’s Urban Design Workshop (YUDW) and Jerusalem’s Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design is set to move forward on part of...
Alan Plattus and Andrei Harwell of Yale led an intensive workshop in May to develop detailed designs and recommendations for the proposed Israeli-Jordanian Jordan River Peace...
Alan Plattus and Andrei Harwell just returned from a trip to Israel, where with Friends of the Earth Middle East, they led a three day workshop to further plans for the...
A draft of Sustaining Fishers Island is now available online, and will be presented on Today at the Fishers Island Community Center.
Work of Yale Urban Design Workshop Presented at Public Interest Design Institute at Yale on November 15. Read coverage in the New Haven Register.