Over the last 6 years, we at the Yale Urban Design Workshop have been working with our School of Architecture graduate students and fellows, professional partners, the South End community, and the State of Connecticut to make the South End of Bridgeport more climate adaptive and resilient. Our work there was featured in Yale News earlier this week.
Our other work with cities, communities, and nonprofit groups on adaptation to changing economic conditions and climate realities this year has been both very local, as we begin a project with New Haven’s Dwight neighborhood to establish a network of air quality monitors, but also has extended around the world, to Gothenburg, Sweden, where we developed a prototype plan for a riverfront Science Park in Gothenburg, and into the Virtual world in our work to design and deploy a virtual Jordan River Peace Park with EcoPeace Middle East where Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli youth will be able to participate together in educational programming, virtually crossing borders to be together. We are looking forward to an even more productive and engaged 2021!